Aqua Twister – plataforma giratoria acuática



The New Aqua Twister enables the user to concentrate on the major muscles of the torso, including the abdominals and the obliques, although there is some training effect of the gluteus maximus, quadriceps and hamstrings.

The Aqua Twister facilitates low intensity exercise whilst working and toning these muscle groups. The machine is suitable for all user groups because of its simplicity of use which allows for the speed to be determined by the individual user.

The water provides natural support to the user whilst at the same time adding the resistance required to achieve the required training effect.

The activity tones and tightens the following main muscle groups:-

  1. Abdominal muscles including the obliques.
  2. Gluteal (buttock) muscles.
  3. Quadriceps (front of thigh)
  4. Hamstrings (back of thigh)

Additional Benefits:-

* Increases Muscular Endurance

* Simple and enjoyable to use

* The degree of ‘feel’ in the muscle is not limited by the machine’s design